Message from the Head Mistress
Dear Parents and Students,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our Ghokhale Education English Medium Primary school website.
As Principal I am hugely impressed by the commitment of the school and the staff to the provision of an excellent all-round education for our students in our state of the art facilities. Under my leadership, and as a team working together, we strongly promote academic achievement among our students. The cultural, sporting and other successes of all of our students and staff are also proudly celebrated together.
We also dedicate this coveted honor to all our students for displaying exceptional hard work in the pursuit of excellence by achieving honors and distinctions in not only academics but also in allied arenas of Arts, Creativity, Sports and Debate. Their dedication and respect makes me proud. As a school we think about how to engage students and hold their attention. If a lesson is to be productive, how do we make sure the students actually absorb the topic? With this constant question in our mind we continuously upgrade our teaching tools and techniques as well as our academic programmes. In a technology prevalent world today, we appeal to young minds by incorporating smart boards, tablet computers and mobile devices into the teaching-learning process. Our mission is to continue to do what we have always done: develop this school and the students with integrity and values; also, to give our students the best opportunities and the best all-round education. Our vision is to produce conscientious, smart and confident citizens of India who will go out into the world and make us proud. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the extreme hard work of our dedicated staff and faculty by working round the clock to keep your School at the zenith of success. The journey that is laced beautifully with triumphs would not have been possible without you. I thank you parents, in all humility for your generosity in time, talents and resources. Thank you for constantly supporting us in every step we take and reposing your confidence in us. I speak for the entire I deeply cherish the revered bond we have formed with you over the years. Thank you for entrusting us with the future of your children, for entrusting us to meld and sculpt their minds, enrich their souls and ignite the spark of lifelong learning in them. It is rightly said that “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its achievement” and we are committed in taking constructive and purposeful actions to produce optimistic, independent, compassionate, life-long learners and leaders who will bring glory to the School, State and the Nation.
Mrs. Tamboli Hemlata Sanjay